PBA Checklist


The ‘Printed Board Assembly (PBA) Checklist’ provides a comprehensive overview and checklist of assembly parameters that are critical to PBA quality and reliability. Available to members only: free download.

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The assembly parameters that are critical to PBA quality and reliability are: assembly quality assurance approach, solder materials, solder processes, assembly logistics, Quality and RoHS compliancy control. Additionally, the document provides a recommendation regarding the minimal requirements for the listed parameters for professional RoHS compliant electronics (IPC class 2). The PBA Assembly Checklist can be used:

  • To establish PB Assembly specifications (design).
  • As part of assembly qualification and quality control (industrialisation, quality).
  • As part of EMS service communication and specification (industrialisation, purchasing).
  • As part of assembly documentation and customer communication (production, EMS).
  • As an assembly auditing tool (industrialisation, quality, production).
  • As part of RoHS compliancy documentation (OEM and EMS).