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Pred-X predicts the quality and test coverage of Printed Board Assemblies (PBA) solely based on Bill-of-Material (BOM) and basic assembly information. Pred-X assists Design-for-Assembly, Design-for-Test and assembly preparation by quantifying the impact of component, assembly and test options.

From conceptual design to production
From conceptual design to production Pred-X is able to work with the limited amount of information available in an early design stage. Based on preliminary BOM information the impact on PBA yield of, e.g., QFP versus BGA packages or the need for ICT test points, can be quantified. This eliminates design iterations to improve yield and test coverage after production start. Pred-X supports the design and New Product Introduction progress with increasingly more accurate predictions.

Quality and Test Coverage Quantification
Quality and Test QuantificationPred-X provides insight in the impact of design, assembly and test options on PBA quality and test coverage by calculating the impact of easily applied modifications of the BOM, the assembly flow and the test strategy. The quality prediction is based on exact probability calculations and a rigorously extended IPC-7912 based physical defect opportunity model. Failure probability (DPMO) and test coverage assignment at the extended defect opportunity level provides a differentiating, approximation-free calculation method for the first-pass yield, the test coverage, the quality after test and the failure probability at start-up. Analysis reports zoom in on components of choice clarifying the calculated failure probabilities and the impact on PBA quality.

Assembly Calculations
Pred-X provides insight in the impact of design, assembly and test options on the assembly flow in the production department. It calculates the assembly times for the product, based on the BOM, the chosen assembly equipment configurations and the test processes.

Fully disclosed default models
Fully disclosed default modelsPred-X contains a default state-of-the-art assembly DPMO model based on a 500 million defect opportunity study. The model is fully disclosed to the user. The user can incorporate his own DPMO models or develop customized models starting from the default model which can be calibrated to observed production yields.

Test coverage models
Pred-X contains fully disclosed, algorithm based default test coverage models with tunable test parameters for all widely applied production test methods. The user can incorporate or create customized test coverage models.

Assembly models
Pred-X contains fully disclosed process time models for most assembly and test processes in the market. The processing time includes set-up and idle times of both machines and operators. The Pred-X user can utilise the verified default processing times or can create customized models.

Ease of use
Pred-X requires only a standard Microsoft Windows platform. It uses an intuitive graphical user interface and interfaces with Microsoft Excel for input and reporting. This makes Pred-X ideally suited for SME.

Pred-X options
Pred-X is available in a PC and server version with an extendable number of floating user licenses. The update and support option provides the user with updates, e.g. of default models, training and implementation consultancy to ensure a quick start and an uninterrupted, value adding operation.

Pred-X demo
The ‘Pred-X Demo’ allows the user to get acquainted with the key possibilities of Pred-X. Based on a list of package types and basic assembly information (single sided reflow, double sided reflow, reflow-wave) the demo can make predictions of the quality, test coverage and assembly performance of your Printed Board Assembly. Certain features of Pred-X aren’t available in the Demo version, such as loading a Bill-of-Material, saving and loading working sessions, creating and using your own custom DfX models, adjusting PBA and DfX properties, calibration, … The output is a sub-set of what is available in Pred-X. The member demo version of the calculator can be installed on your pc. It will be a temporary version of 7 days. When your session has expired, you can request a reactivation code on our website.

The ‘EDM Code Generator’ assists the user in quickly creating EDM package codes for electronic components in a components list (Bill of Material, Approved Vendors List, …). The tool uses the data that is supplied in the components list (e.g. component dimensions, package descriptions, …), search patterns that were used in the past and a Code Wizard in which the user can identify certain patterns in the input data and link that to specific EDM code parameters.

The ‘Via Failure Calculator’ calculates the numbers of cycles to failure (lifetime) of copper plated through vias in Printed Circuit Boards under soldering and under accelerated thermal cycling conditions. The input parameters for the calculator are:
– thermal properties of the laminate and the plated copper;
– via dimensions;
– thermal load conditions.
Default material properties are provided for copper.
The ‘Delamination Calculator’ calculates the number of lead-free solder cycles to cohesive delamination for a PCB applying a specific laminate type. An IPC-9631 and IPC-TM-650 2.6.27 based assembly simulation reflow profile with a peak of 260° C is used as a reference profile. It uses a selection of the laminate thermal properties (Td, T260, T288, T300) for the delamination calculation and calculates the missing thermal properties. It also allows the calculation of the amount of decomposition at an elevated temperature, TGA curve for a certain heating rate, time to delamination at a certain temperature .
This tool uses the via failure and delamination models described in DfX Guideline EDM-D-001: PCB Specification. The delamination models was published in Global SMT & Packaging, Vol. 10, No. 9, september 2010. It enables also the calculation of the via failure probability of the entire PCB and has the possibility to load the laminate properties from the PCB Laminate Overview.

Delamination screenshot
Delamination screenshot

The ‘Thermal Via Design Calculator’ calculates the optimal design (size, spacing, distribution) for thermal plated through vias in a PCB thermal pad. Input parameters are the via density class and soldermask density class as defined in EDM-D-005, the dimensions of the thermal pad, the PCB thickness and the via drill diameter. The calculator takes into account a minimum required solderable area and calculates the thermal resistance of the via network.

The ‘Reflow Profile Calculator’ supports the following applications that are related to convective reflow soldering of electronic assemblies:
– Offline reflow profile optimization for a specific PBA and reflow oven, based on a single reflow profile measurement.
– Offline reflow profile prediction based on reflow profiles obtained on a different PBA and/or in a different reflow oven.
– Offline reflow profile prediction for a specific PBA and reflow oven, based on the Bill-of-Material and PCB build-up of the PBA and the oven heating characteristics.
– Convective heat transfer characterization of reflow ovens.
The tool uses the thermal capacity and conductivity of components and the PCB as well as the convective heat transfer coefficient of the oven to determine the solder joint temperature obtained during the reflow process. Default values and weight-based estimations for these parameters are provided in the tool.

The ‘Through-Hole Solder Fill Calculator’ calculates the maximum possible solder filling of plated through holes during wave or selective soldering of through hole components. Input parameters are the soldering conditions, component dimensions (thermal capacity) and PCB build-up and via connectivity (e.g. PCB thickness, number of layers, connection to the copper layers, use of thermal reliefs, …).

The ‘Vibration Calculator’ calculates the eigen-frequencies and the mode-shapes of a printed circuit board under a specific mechanical loading. Input parameters are the dimensions of the board. More advanced calculations can be performed:

  • for different fixation points;
  • for a rectangular and L-shaped PCB;
  • with or without components;
  • sinusoidal loadings or shock.
    The solder joint lifetime can be calculated for chip, QFN and BGA type packages.

The ‘Material Composition Calculator’ identifies the materials and their amount present in a Printed Board Assembly based on the Bill of Material and the Full Material Declarations (IPC-1752 format) of the components. In case the full material declarations are not available, component technology models estimate the material content of the most commonly used components at homogeneous material level.