As EDM Forum member you will be informed about the activities of the EDM Forum. Your EDM Forum membership gives you access to the member pages on this website. You will get free access to the EDM guidelines and the publication and presentation library. Free entrance to the EDM Workshops, a participation fee reduction on other EDM events as well as price reduction on tools made available by the EDM Forum. Last but not least, EDM Forum membership gives you 250 Euro per day discount on our consultancy service.

Overview of Benefits

1. Guidelines50-100 €Free
2. Online toolsTBDFree
3. Seminars, trainingTBDTBD
4. EDM WorkshopTBDFree
5. Website access to member pagesNo accessFree
6. EDM Forum consultancy service1500 €/day-250 €/day
  1. Guidelines: 1 copy per order. No distribution rights. Price depends on guideline.
  2. Online Tools: excluding cost of hardware or software platforms
  3. Seminars, training: excluding EDM Workshop. Price depends on training.
  4. EDM Workshop: presentations, discussion and networking event around a specific theme. 
  5. Access to the members pages of the website with information, tools, presentations, …
  6. Individual consultancy on PBA Design-for-X, development, production, fault-analysis, etc.  

Membership fee

  • A membership fee will be requested from each company site that wants to make use of membership benefits.
  • Membership fee for EU-companies and EU-sites of non-EU companies depends on the number of employees at the site. Number of employees:
    • Small site: up to 50 employees
    • Medium site: 51 to 250 employees
    • Large site: more than 250 employees
  • All company sites in the EU are treated equally, independent of the ownership
  • Possibility to subscribe a non-EU company site both for EU and non-EU companies
  • Possibility of subscription of professional organizations.  

Overview membership fee

Company / OrganizationMembership
EU companies 
     Large€ 1500
     Medium€ 850
     Small€ 500
     Non-EU siteas EU-site
Non-EU companies 
     EU siteas EU sites of EU companies
     Non-EU site€ 1500
University – Research Center€ 500
Professional / industry organization
(individual membership)
€ 1000
Professional / industry organization
(enlisting of members)
To be determined depending on number of members and their activities.
Sirris members-50% fee discount

EDM Forum membership request