Predictive Product Life Cycle Management of Electronics “A White Box Approach”


Product life-cycle management guideline for electronics: life-cycle stage gating, technology, product and component development, predictive PLCM, enabling systems and supporting activities. Free download for members.

SKU: EDM-P-200

Use and implementation of EDM-P-200 by:

  • OEM, Design and industrialisation
    Predictive Product Life Cycle Management methodology based on a science-based, “white box” approach covering product development until end-of-life. Definition of innovation trajectories: Technology, Application, Product, Operations and Business. Definition of Product Life-cycle supporting activities.
  • EMS and in-house assembly
    Electronic assembly manufacturing, supply chain and repair aspects of product life-cycle management.
  • PCB manufacturer
    PCB manufacturing and supply chain aspects of product life-cycle management.