AO-GENEESS: 1/2/2013 – 10/4/2016
GEzonder door Nano-Elektronica En Slimme Specialisatie


Health is precious to all of us. Therefore, it is a challenge to innovate and to develop smart products to cope with medical issues. In the GENEESS project the focus will be on the implementation of nanoelectronics in several medical devices for solutions in healthcare. The GENEESS project is a project of DSP Valley with imec as partner.

The main goal of the GENEESS project is to stimulate the use of nanoelectronics as a key enabling technology in the medical field in Flanders. Miniaturized hardware and software components are essential for the development of advanced smart products.

There are many different application domains in the medical context where smart solutions are desirable: pacemakers, hearing devices, vision and sight implants, brain electrodes, heart rate monitors, miniature insulin pumps, small diagnostics with biochips, etc. Worldwide there is a growing demand for such smart applications given the awareness of aging issues, the increase of chronic diseases and the rising costs in healthcare.

Figure 1: Value chain and different target groups GENEESS

In Flanders several companies are involved in electronics but they still lack sufficient activities in the medical field. During the GENEESS project we aim to identify, approach and bring together all players involved in the medical field. In this way cooperation in an atmosphere of open innovation can lead to successful creation of new and smart products. This will increase the competitiveness of Flemish companies and strengthen the technology-driven transformation of the industry. In figure 1 the different target groups within the GENEESS value chain are given.

GENEESS activities

  • A nano-readiness audit (Ready2NanoMed) will be prepared to query companies about their activities in the medical field. In this way all participating companies get feedback and advice on how to improve their nano-readiness regarding medical technology.
  • Several business opportunities (Biz4NanoMed) will be highlighted during the GENEESS project like personalized measuring devices, personalized diagnostics and implantable solutions. In this way hot opportunities and possible gaps in the medical technology field can be identified.
  • During matchmaking events and seminars, we will explore the business opportunities around special subthemes such as personalized diagnostics, personalized measuring devices and implantable solutions.
  • A best practices guide will gradually be prepared to facilitate the implementation of smart technology, using existing business cases and through expert meetings.
  • On the GENEESS website an interactive demand-supply portal will be created with information about company activities in medical technology.

In the end the goal of the GENEESS project is twofold. First of all, helping people by the creation of new smart medical devices to cope with health issues. Secondly, strengthen the Flemish economy by stimulating more entrepreneurship and open innovation.