Dutch version

General purpose

The product evolution in almost all applications is characterized and driven largely by the increasing intelligence of the products in terms of data collection and processing and in terms of operation and communication. Electronics as intelligence carrier has become an essential part of any new product in the manufacturing industry and plays an increasingly important role in other sectors.

The electronics sector is dominated by the consumer sector that is focused on low production cost and a very short innovation cycles. This creates serious risks in implementing electronics in applications where sufficient durability is required. In the growing market of increasingly complex intelligent products, the competency to create products with a predictable lifetime under the intended operating conditions quickly and cost effectively with the appropriate electronics, is a crucial competitive advantage. InProVoL brings this failure on physics-based competence in a practically implementable shape to the target group.

The target group

The target group are the companies in the electronics manufacturing industry that develop, produce and / or implement electronics, including the suppliers. The broad target group consists of 2,500 companies of which more than 96% are SMEs, most are non-R&D-intensive, and represents 35 billion turnover and 110,000 employees. In addition, there is a significant “spill over” to “smart products” outside the technology sector. The target group consists of 30 Innovators, 50 Early Adopters and 200 Early Majority companies. Specific actions to innovation followers in the technology sector and electronics implementers outside the main target group will be provided.

Concrete goals

The project aims to make the development of professional intelligent products faster, more effective and cheaper in order to bring cheaper but better products with a short “time to market” to the market. This strengthens the international competitiveness of the target group. Knowledge of the failure physics of electronics is the basis of the innovation. This knowledge is translated into practical, accessible development methods, design and qualification guidelines and software that makes practical the relations between the intended life cycle, the operating conditions and the design and production parameters. All this is brought to the target group by a collective of knowledge, individual counseling and a website.

The project will create 4 methods, 4 classes guidelines and 3 software sets. The project aims to reach 200 companies through 24 events, 32 publications / presentations, 200 business contacts and 20 projects. During the project period, 20 companies implement InProVoL innovation elements in their operation.

Expected results and impact

InProVoL entails a fundamental shift from the traditional reliability insurance based on history and product testing to a faster, more effective and yet less expensive method that focuses on a quantified understanding of failure mechanisms and a subsequent design and qualification methodology. Reliability-focused product testing in the product development process is replaced by design calculations and fewer but more effective testing in a qualification program. The change in the target group companies consists of increasing knowledge of, confidence in and use of failure physics, “virtual prototyping” and qualification, more quality in the supply chain and less environmental testing of product prototypes.

The adduced knowledge and methodology represent an important competitive advantage for the target group company, including: at least 3.5% annual revenue growth consistent with international market growth, lower product failure equivalent to 1% of annual turnover cost and 15% shorter lead time and 1.5% annual revenue cost savings in product development. The direct impact of InProVoL is estimated at M€ 300 growth in export, 750 work employment and M € 140 cost saving. InProVoL stimulates the achievement of durable products with optimized service life and appropriate maintenance and (re)use. This leads to minimization of material use, waste and environmental impact