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In the frame of the preparation of an SBO (‘strategisch basisonderzoek’) project proposal, we would like to invite industrial research and technical experts in the field of electronics design to support us in defining the research objectives and end goal(s) of the project.
The project lies in the field of Prognostic Health Monitoring (PHM) for electronic systems. PHM is a key enabling technology where the extent of degradation is monitored in a self-learning electronic system providing early warning of failure and a Remaining Useful Life time estimation. The solution we aim for is based on a hybrid approach. On one side, we add sensors to the systems that are measuring direct or indirect physical degradation of the system. On the other side, all relevant electrical and mission profile data is collected over time and leads to self-learning systems able to predict their own health, or the health of similar systems elsewhere in the field.
It is obvious that this is an extremely challenging objective and that the project needs focus to be realistic within the budget and time restrictions. We also aim for project results that are relevant and useful for the local industry at the end of the project, allowing for implementation in your technologies. Logical next steps for industrial valorisation after the SBO project are O&O (Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling) projects.
Presentations introducing the topic:
“How the world moves, step by step, from Fides/Mil (constant failure rate) towards Physics of Failure based life time predictions for electronic systems” (Geert Willems, imec)
“Data-driven system health monitoring” (Elena Tsiporkova, Sirris)
“State of the art on Prognostic Health Monitoring for Electronic Systems” (Bart Vandevelde, imec)
“Towards PHM self-awareness – share some experience from the mechanical world” (Jeroen Firlefijn, Atlas Copco)
Locatie: Sirris Gent, Technologiepark 935, Zwijnaarde