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System Engineering of Electronics and Smart Products

September 20 | 9:30 am 5:00 pm CEST

This master class presents the System Engineering methodology developed by the International Counsel of System Engineers (INCOSE, www.incose.org), consolidated in ISO/IEC/IEEE system and software engineering standards. We tailor and apply it to electronic products and smart systems with embedded electronics. We discuss in-depth the New Product Exploration (NPE), Planning (NPP) and Introduction (NPI) stages of system development that bring electronic products from idea to the end user. The specific characteristics of the electronic supply chain and the associated smart product development challenges are presented. A development methodology capable to cope with these challenges is explained as well as the important role of Design-for-eXcellence.

Course objectives

  • Introduction to ISO/IEC/IEEE System and Software Engineering standards.
  • Insight in product life-cycle stages and processes of electronics and smart systems.
  • Elements of an electronic product and smart system development methodology.
  • What capabilities does a smart system engineering organization need and can we assess this?


  1. Basics of System Engineering: System Structure, Life Cycle Processes, Life Cycle Management and Development strategies.
  2. New Product Exploration: Business analysis, Stakeholder need,  Concept validation
  3. New Product Planning
    New Product Introduction,  NPI paradigm shift, NPI per ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288
    Technology qualification,
  4. System engineering capabilities of the System Engineering Organization, of the electronics supply chain. Quality. Design-for-eXcellence
  5. Q&A – wrap-up

Members: EUR 250
Non-member: EUR 375
iStart companies: participation fee covered by iStart. Select member/non-member ticket.
imec employees: free of charge

imec employees, please register at imec academy.

If you are interested in an on-site session for a group (>5 participants) of collaborators of your company, please, contact geert.willems@imec.be for an on-site training quotation and practicalities.

imec Tower

Remisebosweg 1
Leuven, 3001 Belgium
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