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EDM Event 2010: Elektronica ontwikkeling, productie en implementatie vandaag

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

De bedrijfspartners van het ‘Electronic Design & Manufacturing’ programma, die verschillende schakels vertegenwoordigen van de elektronische toeleveringsketen, geven hun visie. De uitdagingen gesteld aan hedendaagse elektronica ontwikkeling, productie en implementatie worden door de EDM partners vanuit verschillende gezichtspunten belicht afhankelijk van hun positie in de toeleveringsketen. Zo geeft Barco, als OEM, een ‘ontwerp’ visie. PsiControl bekijkt […]

EDM Event 2011: Ontwikkeling, productie en integratie van elektronica

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Wat heeft het EDM programma de industrie te bieden? Hoe helpt het EDM-programma de uitdagingen aan te gaan? EDM partners getuigen.EDM Partner ASML illustreert hoe wetenschappelijke onderbouwde methoden, ontwikkeld in het kader van het EDM programma, antwoorden geven op deze concrete bedrijfsproblematiek. EDM partner OnSemi bespreekt de uitdagingen die moderne PBA’s en hun toepassingen betekenen […]

EDM Event 2012: Kwantificatie van kwaliteit – op weg naar industriële toepassing

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Wat heeft cEDM de industrie te bieden? Hoe kunnen wetenschappelijk onderbouwde methoden vertaald worden naar nuttig toepasbare hulpmiddelen in de industrie? Hoe deze methoden inzetten doorheen de toeleveringsketen? cEDM partners getuigen. Onze cEDM Partner ASML presenteert het MoVIP-project (Modellering van de Voorspelbaarheid van Initiële productkwaliteit.) Het project bouwt voort op het Defect Opportunity (DO) en […]

EDM Event 2013: The Business Impact of Center of Electronics Design & Manufacturing

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Imec’s Center of Electronics Design & Manufacturing activities are aimed at supporting the industry in the development of cost effective quality electronics. When improved, multidisciplinary insight in the physical realisation of electronics throughout the electronic supply chain is brought to the operational departments and factory floor by means of guidelines, tools, consultancy and training this […]

EDM Event 2014: International Cooperation with the Center for Electronics Design & Manufacturing

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Imec’s Center for Electronics Design & Manufacturing (cEDM) activities are aimed at supporting the industry in the development of cost effective quality electronics. cEDM cooperates internationally on research, knowledge creation and sharing with organizations like iNEMI (the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative – http://www.iNEMI.org), SPM (a Danish electronics’ industry association – http://uk.spm-erfa.dk) and others in, e.g., the framework […]

EDM Event 2015: Electronics Manufacturing 2020 – Competitive Electronics Assembly Nearby

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

In the Western electronics industry the dominating paradigm of the 1990’s was a dismantling of the vertically integrated electronics companies and a massive subcontracting of manufacturing to low labor cost factories in the (Far) East. This has led to a highly complex and fragmented electronics supply chain. Recently many companies have become aware of the […]

EDM Event 2016: The Extended imec – What Can It Bring to Our industry?

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Press release 22/9/2016Renewed imec confirms its role as the world’s leading research center for nanoelectronics and digital technology Ghent and Leuven – 22 September 2016. Since yesterday, the merger between research centers imec and iMinds – announced on February 19 – has been completed. The deed of merger was officially signed in Brussels, in the presence […]

EDM Event 2017: Security and Reliability of Electronics

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Electronics Everywhere, Everything Connected, Internet of Things (IoT), City of Things, Industry 4.0 all imply a distributed network of a large number of electronic devices that must be able to handle confidential, safety critical or other secured data in a reliable way. With 50 billion active devices by 2020 it is likely that security incidents […]