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FMTC Workshop: Functional Safety Validation – Challenges and Innovative Solutions

Safety is of increasing importance in industrial environments. The international standard EN-IEC-61508 defines the requirements for the functional safety circuits and the procedure for performing a safety assessment. This procedure consists of 3 steps: hazard and risk analysis, safety function definition and SIL (Safety Integrity Level) validation.In the validation process, reliability quantification of parts used […]

EuroSimE Training Course & Conference 2014

Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and MicrosystemsEuroSimE 2014 will be hosted in the beautiful city Ghent. The conference will address the results of both fundamental research and industrial applications for thermal, mechanical and multiphysics simulation and experiments of micro/nano-electronics and microsystems. Location: Mariott hotel, Gent

FMTC Workshop: Reliability Estimation of Physically inspired Models (Relimod)

Program Physically inspired models are a useful means for designing better machines and vehicles. They allow for a faster control design and verification of the correct operation of the machine/vehicle through virtual tests. But how can we incorporate the different behavior of multiple machines of the same type in a single model? Or how can […]

Geneess start evenement

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

In februari 2013 is DSP Valley (samen met partner imec) gestart met het project GEzonder door Nano-Elektronica En Slimme Specialisatie (GENEESS). Doel is om de inzet van nano-elektronica als sleuteltechnologie te stimuleren in Vlaanderen, specifiek op het veelbelovende domein van de medische technologie. GENEESS will partijen uit de hele waardeketen bij elkaar brengen (van componentenbouwers […]

Flanders Make Seminar: Adaptive sensing & control of uncertain systems, key enabling technologies for machines of the future

Flanders Make invites you to a seminar focusing on the adaptive sensing & control of uncertain systems. This seminar will take place on Thursday, 28 May 2015 at Sirris, Technologiepark 935 in Ghent.Modern machines deal more and more with non-deterministic processes that need to be sensed and controlled properly. In both the ‘Adaptive Sensors’ and […]

KULeuven Course: Electromagnetic Compatibility – Mysteries Unraveled

KHBO Zeedijk 101, Oostende

This course is open to all people with an interest in electronics and EMC or people who have been confronted with EMC issues. Profound knowledge is not necessary but a basic knowledge in electronics is desirable. Solving Electromagnetic compatibility problems is still seen as “black magic” by engineers involved in the design process of electronic […]

KULeuven Course: PCB Design and Layout Techniques for Cost-Effective SI, PI and EMC, in 2015

KHBO Zeedijk 101, Oostende

The research group ReMI (Reliability in Mechatronics and ICT) organizes a course on basics and advanced PCB design and layout techniques. Every two years, on average, every type of semiconductor that is available on the market goes through a die-shrink, which makes their emissions and immunity worse. This applies to older device types, like 74-series […]

IMAPS Benelux 2016: Prototyping and Low Volume Series

IMAPS Benelux works closely with both industry and academic institutions to ensure that members are kept up to date with the latest developments and innovations in microelectronics and to provide a forum for the industry to meet and shape its future. Program Agenda:  14.30 Registration, coffee, exhibition15.00 How Taipro created a business in technology (Michel […]

Closing Event Geneess Project: Smart Health Solutions

Corda Campus Corda Campus 1, Hasselt, Belgium

Good health is a precious asset. Evolutions in science, production technologies, IT, life sciences, society etc. enable a smart support of health and health care. At this event, the focus will be on nano-electronics as a powerful tool for the development of smart diagnostics, smart monitoring and active stimulation.Speakers from industry and research institutions introduce […]

VOKA infosessie: Wearables als toekomst voor de zorg

Imec Leuven Kapeldreef 75, Leuven, Belgium

Een samenwerking van imec, Innovatiecentrum en Voka – Kamer van Koophandel Vlaams-Brabant. Draagbare technologie in welzijn en gezondheidszorg… een paar jaar geleden leek het nog science fiction, maar nu liggen de eerste al in de winkelrekken: van de behandeling van migraine met Cefaly, tot monitoring van je zwangerschap met het device van Bloom technologies of […]

imec ITF 2016: Product engineering, prototyping and production services for ICs and smart systems

Everybody who considers to launch an innovative electronic product into the market and who needs help with one or more realization aspects. Imec offers a host of services to help Entrepreneurs design innovative products and get them to market. Imec supports companies during both the product development process as well as during the manufacturing scale-up. […]

Flanders Make Workshop: International strategic trends and guidelines for the vehicle industry

Flanders Make monitors international strategic trends and guidelines for the vehicle industry, with the aim of translating these into an innovation roadmap for Flanders.This trend watch is performed with the support of fka Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen (*). To keep you involved and updated, you are invited for a workshop focusing on trends in 3 […]